"He is there not only when we cry out from the burden of sin but also when we cry out for any other reason." -Bruce D. Porter
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
A Recital
I started teaching the children piano and Karsten started to pick up tunes by ear. The girls would also teach him little tunes they learned. So, mom taught him "How Firm A Foundation". They are learning to sing this in Primary as well. Enjoy!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Alex's rendition of our family!

Alex drew this picture of our family in church a few weeks ago during Sacrament meeting, but he would never let me look at it. While cleaning his room today I happend to find it! So I scanned it and I'll stick his picture back in his scripture carrier. He keeps EVERYTHING he gets or does at church in there. I think he has programs from every Sunday for the last year! Some of us have some long necks! I wonder what that means? haha :)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
A Few Things I am Grateful For
I love church. I told Todd that I wanted to be just like those people we consider "nerdy" because they were so churchy! I want to be like that! Why? Because I love how the spirit makes you feel and I know you can feel like that more often if you live your life to allow the spirit to dwell with you more. Had a great fast and testimony meeting today. The April Ensign has a great article on fasting. I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for all the blessings and miracles in my life. I believe that He wants us to find his hand in all things, especially in the tough times. Because He is always there.
Karsten's Happy Happy Birthday!

Karsten celebrated his 4th birthday today! He was very excited! We had Grandma and Grandpa Stailey and Aunt Lori and Uncle David help us celebrate. We missed daddy, though. He couldn't make it. Ok, well maybe mommy misses daddy the most.

Kate baked and frosted the yummy chocolate cake for Karsten.
Blowing out the candles!
Karsten got a new bicycle from mommy and daddy. He's outgrowning his tricycle, although he still loves to ride it. His tricycle has gone through three other siblings and has held up well. A good purchase from toys r us back when Kate was little. Karsten is getting so big and is so smart. He plays the piano by ear. He is learning "How Firm a Foundation". I will record it and post it when he has learned it all. He can play several songs, and bits and pieces of tunes he hears. Karsten is such a joy and such a blessing!
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