We've been having a lot of fun lately! Dennis, Sandra, Grant, and Rebecca came for a visit. Dennis dropped off Sandra and Grant at our house and returned a week later to visit for a few days. Rebecca had Girls' Camp as well, so she went back with her dad as well. Sarah and Ed and their children also came to stay with us for a few days while Sandra and Grant were visiting. It was a lot of fun and exhausting! The following are just a few pictures of the things we were able to do.

Our first ride on the Metro. Karsten looks so thrilled.

This is the Metro stop where we got off. It is right on the National Mall. Grant modeling here in this photo for us.

One end of the Mall is the Capitol Building.

The other end is the Washington Monument.

We saw our first protest at the Mall while we were there. Something about democracy in Iran.

The Washington Monument.

This is the Worl War II Memorial.

The Vietnam Memorial.

Here is a majority of us in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Before we took this picture it started raining really hard and we got pretty wet. We took refuge in the Lincoln Memorial until it stopped.

Then we turned around and took a picture with the Washington Memorial in the background.

It was such an exhausting trip for Dane! I think we walked about two and a half miles!

Karsten taking a nap on the Metro ride home.

Sunday night we went to the Washington D.C. temple. It is acutally located in Maryland not too far away from where we live. It's like we're still in Utah having a temple so close!

Karsten and Dallin having a little disagreement with Hannah looking on.

Emily showing off her webkinz.

Grant, Sandra and Dennis's son.

Katie Bug.

Me and my sister, Sarah.

Hannah, Sarah and Ed's little girl.


Jacob, Sarah and Ed's oldest boy. He is so sweet. Alex and Jacob have become really good friends. Jacob is autistic, so I thought he and Alex would just be in their own worlds and not notice each other. But there is something special there, because they are really good friends now. When we go swimming, they swim all over the place with each other. And because of Alex, Jacob decided to try his first piece of pizza! Sarah says this is big deal to Jacob because he usually doesn't try new things. They are so cute when they play together.
Dallin, Sarah and Ed's second son. He is also known as "the original Dallin" as he and Seth share the same first name. Dallin likes to call Seth, Dallin Seth. (Confused?)

Tuesday we went to the zoo. It was very humid that day.

My sister-in-law, Sandra, who avoided the camera on many occasions. We like to take the "-in-law" part out of the relationship and just consider her our sister!

A zoo person telling us about the Cheetahs.

While visiting, Dallin celebrated his seventh birthday with us!

His birthday had a Mario theme to it, so Kate made decorations to match!
We had so much fun with everyone! Sarah and Ed and family left on Friday to head to Florida to visit Ed's family. They will be back to stay with us for two and a half weeks until they head to Japan! They will be living there for a few years!
Dennis and Rebecca returned the next day, Saturday, to visit for the weekend. We all decided to go to Arlington National Cemetary and visit the tomb of the unknown soldier. Again, another hot day.

Karsten's favorite way to ride the Metro, standing up!

Here the kids are riding the longest escalator in North America! It is at the Wheaton Metro stop.

Grant at Arlington National Cemetary.

The tomb of the unknown soldier. It is guarded everyday, all day, rain or shine. During the summer the changing of the guard happens every half hour. In the winter, every hour.