The longer I am here, the easier it gets. The first two days were the hardest. I would way rather be home, but I'm finding ways to be productive and spend the time. I am free of my IV and the accompanying 6 foot friend that goes along with it. I only get monitored twice a day for twenty minutes right now (baby and contractions). Tomorrow that will change. I will be monitored constantly starting tomorrow. So I've had two days of freedom. Getting up to go to the bathroom is such a breeze! I also can wear "normal" clothes, which is kind of weird when you are in the hospital. But it sure helps you feel so much better. I'm almost done with the first book of the Twilight series. I like where the author is going with it so far. I've got about a third of the book left to finish reading, which I'm sure I can get done tonight. I find it an easy read, so I've been reading fairly fast. So, today I've watched TV, did some crocheting, played around on the computer, and now I think I'll watch a movie.
As I look out my window I can see the windows of some of the other delivery rooms. I always know when someone is having a baby because the blinds close on the windows. Then the next day there are open again! I guess they put the delivery rooms on the top floor because it is closest to heaven!