Alex, as we all know, has obssessive compulsive issues. Some of them are challenging and annoying, but others are quite funny. Every Wednesday the trash comes. Alex, without fail, will take the trash cans to to the curb so the garbage man can pick them up. When spring starts, we also have a can for green waste only (grass, weeds, etc.) If there's stuff in there, great, he takes it to the curb. But if it's empty, he HAS to put something in it. So yesterday he puts some working gloves on and tells me he's gonna go pull some weeds. After a while he comes in and asks me if he can mow the lawn. He's so funny. I'm not so sure that he likes mowing the
lawn, it's just that he's gotta put something in that trash can so he can take it to the curb. I don't think it ever dawns on him that he doesn't have to put it out that week if it's empty! He can be such a funny guy!