~Seth~ 4 months old, adjusted age of 4 weeks
I have been home from the hospital now for three weeks. Mom's got me figured out finally. The first two days were rough because Mom wanted me to nurse, but I'm smarter than she is. Sucking from a bottle is way easier and when you are as hungry as I am, who wants to wait for the milk to "let down". I do love being close to mommy, though. I like when she lays me against her chest and I can hear the rythmn of her heart and her breathing. For the most part I sleep all day. Every two to three hours I wake up for something to eat. I can guzzle down two to three ounces of mom's milk at a time. She's started fortifying my milk to help me gain weight a little faster. Sometimes it upsets my tummy a little. At my last weigh in I was 5 lbs. 12 oz. This was up two ounces from the week before, and up four since discharge. I will hit that 6 lb. mark soon and can't wait to show off in my new outfits! Just wait until I hit eight pounds! You won't even recognize me! I'm a pretty easy going guy. I hate to be in a dirty pair of pants, so if you keep me clean and dry, life can't get much better! The car seat isn't that bad to ride in. Mommy and I take trips to the doctor together. We saw the opthamologist last week. Boy, that wasn't fun. First they put these drops in your eyes that make everything look blurry and way too bright. Then they hold you tight while they look into your eyes. The eye clamps are not very comfortable. But thank goodness this was the last time I had to do that. The doctor says my eyes are fully vascularized with no sign of retinal detachment. He says I need to come back in three months for an eye exam. I don't know how they know if I need glasses, but they are pretty smart. Well, mom says I need to get off the computer. I have to go with her to choir practice. She plays the piano. I love when she sings and plays for me!