This was the first time Dane and Karsten were able to attend Cub Scout Day Camp. It was five days of fun for them! They loved it! They had six classes they rotated through everyday: BB Guns, Archery, swimming, science, crafts, and games. Each day was something new. I was able to chaperone on one of the days and I enjoyed it! I even got to take a turn shooting a BB gun! It was fun and I am so grateful the boys were able to go. When I went, I was with Dane's group so I didn't get any pictures of Karsten. But I know Karsten had so much fun. Karsten and Dane are really good shooters! Must get it from their dad! The weather was perfect all week for southern Texas! Clouds with rain here and there kept the temperatures nice and cool. Friday was the only day of full sun. The boys are looking forward to when their dens begin regularly meeting again here at the end of August!

BB Guns were one of their favorites! Dane and Karsten were both great shooters! Belt loops and pins earned for sure!
What a great shooter, Dane! Anything inside the red and yellow is a bullseye!
Dane wanted to take a picture of all the stickers he got on his shoes while hiking!