Last week we went to Assateague Island, Maryland for one last outing with Ed and Sarah before they left for Japan. We had a lot of fun! We arrived there Thursday evening and set up camp and spent a good part of Friday playing in the water. I wish I had taken so many more pictures! But you just get caught up in the beauty of the beach and water that you forget! Oh, and crossing over the Chesapeake Bay was really cool as well. The bridge was so long! And because of the humidity in the air, you couldn't see the other side of the bridge at first when you get on. We will definately be returning next year. It's only about a three hour drive there. Here are some pics or our outing!

Here is our campsite. We brought along our grill because we had no idea what kind of cooking we'd be allowed to do. We slept in our canopy! It was so cool to have the cool breeze of the ocean blowing on you all night! Unfortunatley I had nightmares all night about the tide rising so high that we would be flooded! Or that it would start raining! Silly!

There are wild horses that roam Assateague Island. You have to keep everything locked up or they will get into it! We had several horses visit us. Here is a pic of one of them trying to kick our box open! Luckily we had it secured under the table bench and he couldn't get in.

Todd firing up the grill to do some dutch oven breakfast cooking!

The kids enjoying lunch on the beach!

My beautiful sister, Sarah, holding Seth and her son, Dallin, sitting next to her.

Todd playing in the water. The next member of Bay Watch? :)

Dallin lost his tooth while eating lunch! We had to get a picture of it!

Enjoying the water!

Seth and I. The weather was very interesting. You could feel the humidity, it was so thick, yet there was always a cool breeze. It was mostly cloudy the whole time, which was nice. We sure loved it! The humidity made my hair a lot more wavy than it usually is. That's how it was in San Antonio as well.

Emily collecting some shells. The small shells that were closed had something living in them, clams perhaps? Anyways, if you set them back down on the wet sand you could see them bury themselves back in! Alex brought a whole bucket of them home, and unfortunatley they all died. He thought he could keep them alive with home-made salt water. Oh well!

Dallin, Kate, Hannah, and Sarah waiting for a wave to come in!

Hanah and Dane got knocked over by this wave! Oh no!


Seth enjoying the sand while sitting in his Bumbo that we got at the thrift shop for $2.98! I don't know if the store knew what they were selling, but I grabbed it. He's much too independent to use it now, but I'm sure someone else would love to have it!

He drug himself off the blanket because he couldn't resist the sand!
We were so glad to have Sarah and Ed and children stay with us! We had so much fun! We loved the beach as well! Camping in the sand takes a little getting use to as I'm use to dealing with dirt and not sand. But it wasn't that bad. Plus they had showere to clean the kids up in before we went home. I loved it and hope to do it again next summer as well!