Our Wedding Announcement!
Our first photos together!
Our wedding day 13 years ago!
We didn't wait to start a family. I love this picture because Alex spit up right as we were taking it.
Our little family of two.
And then there were three!
But then we had to even it out, two boys and two girls.
Then came number 5!
Evening things out with last and final sixth!
It's been a great thirteen years! We celebrated our anniversary with the children. We decided to have a fancy dinner with the children. I got this idear from Sarah! We even had candles. The kids did well, and if they didn't like something they were just suppose to sit there and wait for the next course. I wish every meal time could be so nice! We had cream of tomato basil soup with cheese bread, cesaer salad, shrimp fettucine alfredo, finished off with a cheesecake dessert. It was a lot of fun. The best part of it all is when each one of you wants the best for the rest of the family and you see each other trying. It makes you want to try even harder.
Love you forever, Todd!