Here is a picture of Seth taken on Sunday.
So cute!
Today before his surgery. (Had to dope him up so he wouldn't be so mad because he was hungry! Where's my momma?)
Mom and Seth before surgery. Like the disco ball?
After surgery. Poor little guy! But all better now!
Seth had surgery today! And everything went well! They put his intestines back together and everything looked healthy and well. They also fixed two hernias, one at the site of his stoma and the other in the groin. They also took out his apendix. It was an eventful day. We were planning on the surgery being at 7:30 this morning, but they called us right before we left this morning and told us it was rescheduled for 1:45 in the afternoon. Good thing they caught us before we left! The surgery took about two and a half hours. In a couple of days we'll start feedings again. I'm just exhausted and ready to relax. I'm going to read scriptures with the kiddos and put them to bed and maybe take a bath!