Ok, so this is the chart they use to show levels of sound and what people hear. As you can see, normal hearing is the green line, or 20 decibels and lower. Moderate hearing loss is 41 to 55 decibels. Moderately severe is 56 to 70 decibels. Severe is 71 to 89. Profound is 91 to 120 decibels. Basically what this is saying is that without hearing aids, this is what Seth is hearing. They put little pictures on the scale so you can imagine what decibel that sound is. The frequency is the high or low pitch of the sound.

So for Seth, in the right ear, at 500 HZ he measures at 90 decibels (profound in the low tones). At 1000 HZ, 85 decibels (severe in the mid tones), At 4000 HZ, 65 decibels (moderately severe in the high tones). Basically saying that he hears higher tones in his right ear better than any other tone. I knew he loved mommy's voice and wasn't smiling for nothing!
In the left ear, at 500 HZ, 75 decibels (severe in the low tones). At 1000 HZ, 90 decibels (profound in the mid tones). At 4000 HZ, 75 decibels (severe in the high tones). So, for the left ear he hears high and low pitch sounds rather than the mid tones. So basically he can say he can't hear you unless you talk to him in a really deep voice, or a really high squeaky voice!
So, anyways, I hope this doesn't bore you too much, but I find it interesting and thought I'd share. Now you know the truth of the matter. Oh, and the bone conduction test suggests that the hearing loss is sensorineural, meaning it's coming from the cochlea and not the mid ear, which means it's permanent. I think I'm going to go into something pediatric when I grow up. Or neonatal. I'm just getting to familiar with all this stuff.