"He is there not only when we cry out from the burden of sin but also when we cry out for any other reason." -Bruce D. Porter

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What's up with the obssessive compulsive?

Alex, as we all know, has obssessive compulsive issues. Some of them are challenging and annoying, but others are quite funny. Every Wednesday the trash comes. Alex, without fail, will take the trash cans to to the curb so the garbage man can pick them up. When spring starts, we also have a can for green waste only (grass, weeds, etc.) If there's stuff in there, great, he takes it to the curb. But if it's empty, he HAS to put something in it. So yesterday he puts some working gloves on and tells me he's gonna go pull some weeds. After a while he comes in and asks me if he can mow the lawn. He's so funny. I'm not so sure that he likes mowing the lawn, it's just that he's gotta put something in that trash can so he can take it to the curb. I don't think it ever dawns on him that he doesn't have to put it out that week if it's empty! He can be such a funny guy!


Watson Family said...

just be grateful he wants to do it! HAHAHA

Sandra said...

Love that newer picture! Who took it and could I please have a copy.

4Garrisons said...

how cool...what a hard worker!

edsajadaha05 said...

You know, what would the world be like if we didn't have Alex's and Jacob's? A lot less funny!

Christina said...

I agree!

Dottie Stay said...

Alex is such a seethear, and makes the family! What would we do without him. He makes me laugh, and smile, and I just love him. congrats on the boy! Of course, I'm not surprised. You are right, we did marry Staileys! You are hot on Carolyn's trail!

tammy stailey said...

Alex is so funny. We should never discourage men from doing yardwork. Congrats on the baby! Does that mean I am going to have boys too?

Sandra said...

Grant saw this picture of Alex and didn't know who he was. He thought maybe Dane. Think Grant was having an out of body experience cause it was weird for him. hahaha yes I'm lol