"He is there not only when we cry out from the burden of sin but also when we cry out for any other reason." -Bruce D. Porter

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Look how big I am!

Seth is in an open crib! Hurray! This was taken on Tuesday. He is just improving by leaps and bounds! He is also on a regular nose cannula. And we have started the long process of teaching him how to feed from a bottle and then eventually to nursing. His current weight is 4 lbs 6 oz. Today he had laser surgery on his eyes. I mentioned ROP earlier, Retinopathy of Prematurity. This is why he had the laser surgery done. He isn't too bad off with the abnormal blood vessels in his eyes, but they didn't want it to get any worse because it could lead to detachment of the retina. It is my understanding that they went in and zapped the abnormal blood vessels so they wouldn't continue growing abnormally. And I like to use the word abnormal a little too abnormally. :) Anyways, that surgery was done around 1:30 this afternoon. He is still on a ventilator and they are just waiting for him to wake up so they can get him off. Hopefully he'll be fine and it won't be days like the last surgery. Seth is such a miracle!


Watson Family said...

wow he is soo cute! he looks like a baby now and not an alien! haha

Sandra said...

Not so blue anymore, except for his outfit. hahaha It's like he turned into a baby over night. His belly surgery must have done the trick. To bad he had to suffer all the other stuff because of that. So are they talking about when they might let you take him home?

Christina said...

We don't know when we'll bring him home. I think his biggest obstacle to overcome before they'll let him come is learning to eat! He has surgery on September 29th. If he did well before this he could come home, otherwise it will be after, obviously. Just pray that he'll learn to suck, swallow, breathe; suck, swallow, breathe; etc.

Bret said...

YAY SETH!!! We are so excited that he is doing well. He is such a strong baby!